Abundant Spirituality + codependency recovery + inner child healing + Love = Joy2MeU2
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
A Cosmic Perspective on Codependence and the Human Condition
"When I found your book, I found myself."
"I have made more progress on a personal level in the few weeks I have had Robert's book and tape than in the preceding eight plus years when I first found out what codependency was."
"I just read your wonderful book, thank you for writing it. I have been a spiritual teacher since childhood, however, your book let me organize my thoughts a new way, a new perspective. I now have a much deeper understanding and am still learning from it. Dance, is one of the truly transformational works of our time! Thanks again."
"Why isn't this book on the bestseller list? I think it certainly will be someday. You have incorporated many concepts of Truth into one beautiful, soul touching, and integrated piece of genius."

Retail Price $17.95
On Sale until further notice for $10 + shipping = $16.65 First Class in US only

3 copies of The Dance at $9 ea + $10.60 Priority shipping in US = $37.60
It is also possible purchase anything on this page using Venmo or Cashapp
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Burney-10
Donate using Cashapp https://cash.app/$Joy2meu
I will autograph the copies to whomever you wish so you can give Life Changing gifts - just send me an email Joy2MeU email to let me know the names.

Codependency Recovery:
Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing
(aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance)
"I read your book on healing the inner child. The last one (Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing.) I've only just come across your work in the last month and I've benefited so much from your wisdom and insight I want to thank you and express my heartfelt (was crying a lot) gratitude that now I feel I'm not a total mystery to myself any more."
"I am re-reading Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls, Dancing in The Light. It is the best and my hat is off to you for this enlightening work. In sharing your personal experiences it opens a wealth of self knowledge to me when reading."

Retail Price: $27.95
On Sale until further notice for $14 + shipping $10.60 Priority in US only

The Dance for $9 + Dancing for $14 + $10.60 Priority shipping in US = $33.60

It is also possible purchase anything on this page using using Venmo or Cashapp
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Burney-10
Donate using Cashapp https://cash.app/$Joy2meu
Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth
Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics
& Healthy Relationship Behavior
"I've had the privilege of reading your book. I absolutely love it. You have an amazing perspective on romantic relationships and healing. I can relate to a lot of your experiences in love and I have to agree romantic relationships are truly the greatest arenas for emotional and spiritual growth. The current relationship I'm involved in has been that vehicle for me. It has helped me grow in leaps and bounds. Your work has had a huge impact on my view of romantic relationships. Thank you for your beautiful message and for this great book. So many people are going to receive healing from it."
Retail price $27.95
On Sale until further notice for $14 + shipping $10.60 Priority in US only

The Dance $9 & Romantic for $14 + $10.60 Priority shipping in US only

The Dance $9 + Dancing + Romantic for $14 each + shipping $10.60 Priority = $47.60 in US only

It is also possible purchase anything on this page using using Venmo or Cashapp
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Burney-10
Donate using Cashapp https://cash.app/$Joy2meu
International Offers
December 20, 2022 - Postal rates have gone up a lot in recent years. The offers with payment links are only for books mailed within the US - sorry about that.
I have some sale pages that include prices for international orders Special Offers for my books (this one does not include the latest price increase for Global Priority - these offers were based upon $32.95 for Flat Rate Priority International Envelope, the price is now $41.25, Priority to Canada was $23.95 is now $29.60):
This one includes the latest price increases as of 2019 ($35.65 for International and $24.95 Canada) for Global Priority but also includes a bonus Special Offer: Get a free MP3 download of my recording of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls (or as of 11/20/22 the new app above) with the purchase of any two (or all 3) of my books.
Other Offers
Empowering and Life-Changing Workshop on Zoom
Special Offers for Life Changing Telephone / Skype / Zoom Counseling
Donations to the Cause / Love Offerings / Spiritual Tithes / Christmas Presents can be shared here
I give out free subscriptions for Dancing in the Light and the Joy2MeU Journal for donations of a certain amount (as well as free books and downloads and everything else) - my way of keeping the energy flowing, by sending some Love energy and healing information back your way in return for some green Love energy.
"I freely share so much information on my site because I believe it is my Karmic Mission in this lifetime. I want to share the Joyous message and the precious information that I have discovered - and it is what I need to do for my Recovery and Spiritual Path. It is not such a great strategy when it comes to finances however.;-) So Donations to the Cause / Love Offerings / Spiritual Tithes are always appreciated if you feel my sharing has helped you in your Healing / Recovery process and on your Spiritual Path. If my writing has helped you remember Truth that brings you some Joy and inner peace, and your Spirit moves you to send some Love back my way" - there are donation links here
"Dear Robert, Your work has divinely touched and spiritually inspired me......I came to your site in my desperate hour and found so many truths, I couldn't hide anymore. I made the choice, to face the fear, look inside through the darkness and pain, to feel who I was and why. . . . You have given me much healing through your generous gifts that I would like to share with you my love, appreciation and gratitude. I am sending a donation ___. Thank you so very much. Blessings and Abundance Always" (Donations to the cause / Spiritual Tithes are always appreciated: Donations / Love Offerings) ~
With Love & Joy to You & Me, 2 Me & You 2 - Robert
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