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Update 10/14/24: I added a workshop in October for Western Hemisphere & Europe

Empowering & Life Changing Zoominar

Learning to Live The Serenity Prayer in Your Life


An Intensive Training Workshop in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing 

An Empowering & Life Changing Workshop

Some feedback from one of Robert’s Workshops

"I arrived at the lowest, most broken I have ever felt and left full of hope that I will not only be fine but that I will thrive.”


“The world looked different to me during the first break - brighter, fresher, more exciting.”


“I feel much better.  I feel sane.” 


“. . . . your workshop helps me meet my need for clarity, Truth, and inspiration in my journey of personal healing and recovery."


"As a mental health professional, I found Robert's presentation to be extremely practical and deeply Spiritual at the same time.  My own healing journey has been nourished and I am excited to take these powerful insights into my work with others."


“I’ve come away with some viable concrete ideas/tools for living my life in a far healthier (happier) way.”


"Robert did a brilliant job explaining some deep, complex subjects.”

“I  have been a LIFELONG SEEKER and the magic part for me was that you put all the pieces together in a way that I can now see the big picture.”

Intensive Testimonial Page


Everyone signing up will get a PDF copy of

Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

An Intensive Training Workshop in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing 

An Empowering & Life Changing Workshop​

Western Hemisphere & European time zones Sunday August 27th & Nov. 3rd 9 am PST - 10 pm MST Denver  - 11 pm CST Chicago - 12 pm EST New York

- 5 pm London -  6 pm Paris/Berlin/Johannesburg etc - 7 pm Helsinki/Beirut etc.


It is also possible to sign up using Venmo or Cashapp


Donate using Cashapp$Joy2meu



“Codependency counselor, inner child healing pioneer, author, Robert Burney has developed a pioneering holistic approach to codependency recovery - an inner child healing paradigm - that offers a powerful, life changing formula for integrating Love, Spiritual Truth, and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional experience of life - a blueprint for individuals to transform their core relationship with self and life.  


This blueprint can be invaluable to people just starting the recovery / healing process, and is often the missing piece that people who have been healing /  recovering for decades have been seeking.  What is unique about the approach is that all of the tools are brought together in a focused system for achieving integration and balance - and even someone who has a very good therapist (or is a very good therapist) right now, can still find it very beneficial to attend this workshop.”

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